Users and roles

Administrators configure roles and permissions to control user's access.

Users and Roles

Users and Roles provides a view of all active users, inactive users, user groups, and roles and permissions.

The roles available vary based on your software subscription.

A variety of user roles are available ranging from the Default role (read-only to most features) to the Administrator: Full Access role (full access to all features). You can only assign one role to each user. Administrators can create and manage Custom User Roles.

To quickly create multiple users, a spreadsheet is available.

Role and user management

Role management and user management can be assigned to different users.

Role management

A user with the manage permission for Security: Roles & Permissions can copy a system role and then customize it. This permission allows users to hide roles from the user management administrator and prevents them from being assigned.

User management

A user with the manage permission for Security: Users and User Groups can create users and assign roles and groups to users.

Hide modules and tabs

Hide modules and module tabs from view.

Administrators create new roles

Two roles can create and edit users spreadsheets:

  • Administrator: Full Access
  • Administrator: Security and Global Settings

Only these two roles can see the Users and Roles option.


A report of user roles and their permissions is available for download on the Users screen.

Custom user roles are created by administrators.

Default user roles

The roles available vary based on your software subscription.


User Roles


Version 3 User Roles

Administrator: Accounting

Access to all accounting, bill, and workflow settings, features, and functions. View only access to other application settings and user management.

Bill Entry and Account Setup

Administrator: Facilities

Access to all facility settings, features, and functions. Can create, edit, and approve Bills. Cannot export bills or modify exported bills. View only access to accounting settings and user management.


Administrator: Full Access

Full access to all settings, features, and functions including user management.

Administrator - Full Access, Administrator, Data-Consultant-Full

Administrator: Full Access Except Security

Full access to all settings, features, and functions except user management and global settings.


Administrator: Limited Delete

Access to most features and functions including user management. Limited ability to delete data and edit Cost Avoidance settings.

ENC Support

Administrator: Security and Global Settings

Create and manage users. Manage global application settings including application license.


Basic Contact View only to the Dashboards and Reports modules. The default role for users added by email address through user groups.  

Bill and Account Management: With Bill Approval

Manage accounts, meters, and other settings required for Bill Entry. Can approve bills.

Bill-Entry and Account-Setup

Bill and Account Management: Without Bill Approval

Manage accounts, meters, and other settings required for Bill Entry. Cannot approve bills.


Bill Entry: With Bill Approval

Create, edit, and approve Bills. View only access to most other settings and features.


Bill Entry: Without Bill Approval

Create and edit bills. View only access to most other settings and features.

Bill Entry Only

* CAPture Services Automation

Import bills, manage batches, and import Interval data. CANNOT BE ASSIGNED TO REGULAR USERS

Bill CAPture

* CAPture Services Team

Manage vendors, accounts, and facility data. CANNOT BE ASSIGNED TO REGULAR USERS



View only access to the following modules: Dashboards, Buildings and Meters, Accounts, Groups and Benchmarks, Vendors, and Reports.


Energy Conservation Specialist

Manage billing, accounting, facility, and Cost Avoidance data. Does not include administrator permissions.


Facility Manager

Manage buildings, meters, Cost Avoidance, and other facility information. View only access to bills.

Bldg Administrator

Facility Manager: View Only


Bldg Manager - View Only

* Report Installation

Install and configure reports. CANNOT BE ASSIGNED TO REGULAR USERS


* System Maintenance

Install and configure application features. CANNOT BE ASSIGNED TO REGULAR USERS


View Only: All Modules

View only access to all modules of UtilityManagement.

Director-Full, Director-Expanded

View Only: All Modules Except Bills

View only access to all primary modules of UtilityManagement. Does not include permission to view bills.


View Only: Dashboards and Facilities

View only access to two modules: Dashboards and Buildings and Meters.

Director-Basic, Public

View Only: Dashboards and Reports

View only access to the Dashboards and Reports Modules.

Public - Reports Only

View Only: Dashboards and Emissions View only access to the Dashboards and Reports module.

View Only: Dashboards, Facilities, Benchmarks, Reports

View only access to four modules: Dashboards, Buildings and Meters, Groups and Benchmarks, and Reports.

Public - View Only, Director-Expanded