Additional October 2023 release notes

Published October 25, 2023
Updated January 2, 2024

Quick filters on record list

We've added quick filters on record lists to help you quickly find records important to you.


Notifications let you subscribe to news about application updates, new features, and system events.

A new icon has been added to let you know when you have unread messages.

Configure your personal notification settings to determine what to be notified about and which notification types you want to also receive by email.

Administrators can:

  • Configure default notification settings for new users.
  • Disable email notifications for all users.
  • Send notifications to user groups using formatted text and attachments.

Link meters from an emissions source

With this update you can now link an emissions source in EnergyCAP CarbonHub™ to a meter in EnergyCAP UtilityManagement™.

Find your emissions source in the hierarchy and use the Actions menu to link a meter or manage the linked meter.

API keys

API keys are now available and provide third-party application developers a means of accessing CarbonHub data.