
Notifications alert you whenever a specific pattern is identified. Alerts are sent to your Home page, by email, and can also be sent by SMS.

You can configure how and when to be notified when there are problems with a data point.

  • Sentinel—get notifications when data is outside an expected range
  • Custom—select the data point, parameters, and time frames for your notification
  • Offline—get a notification when a data point stops receiving data

Sentinel alerts

Sentinel Alerts are based on the Sentinel Trends tool. Sentinel is a smart software engine that predicts what your energy use should be at any point in time for all your circuits, and continuously compares your real energy use against the predicted one to discover unusual energy performance.

To create a new notification click New Alert in the top right corner of the page and fill out the form. You can receive the notification in different ways, on your home page, by SMS, and by email.

Custom alerts

You can create a custom notification to monitor the behavior of a specific circuit. If you choose Value against threshold, you can set the parameter for the notification, the threshold value, the number of consecutive readings needed to trigger the notification, and the days and times when the alert is enabled.

If you choose Cumulated so far against threshold, you can specify whether to track

energy in kilowatt-hours or cost in the local currency and indicate the period of accumulation, the threshold, and the alert timing.

Custom alerts can be made for any numerical data in the system, including gas, water, air quality, CO2, and production.

Offline notifications

Offline notifications alert you when no data is being received for a certain data point. This could indicate a problem with data transmission or the meter itself. Multiple data points can be included in the notification.

By choosing a site, all monitored points under that site are included in the notification.

You can change the amount of time a data point is offline by using the drop-down.