Data point overview

A data point typically represents a physical meter, but it can also be a formula meter or aggregate meter.

A data point holds data from a meter (electrical, gas, water, heat, etc.) or an IoT device or sensor, a utility bill, or any other numeric metric such as production data, or heating degree days.

When a data point has children, it is often called a parent data point. You can have multiple data points connected to a site. A parent data point can have multiple children.

Types of data points

Single-value data point contains one numeric parameter. A single-value data point includes pulse counters, kWh meters, analog and digital sensors such as irradiation, heating degree days, etc.

Multi-value data point contains data from several electrical parameters including active power, reactive power, current, voltage, power factor, line-to-line voltage, and kWh for each phase.

A formula data point is calculated through bespoke formulas applied to energy readings for multivalue and single-value data points. For example (ELECTRICAL_DP_1 + ELECTRICA_DP_2)/DATAPOINT_HDD.

These three meter types count toward your subscription.

Aggregate meter

An aggregate meter helps you organize your tree and group the same type of meters together.

You are not charged for aggregate meters.

Tracking active power and demand

If a simple electric data point is only tracking active power, you can:

  • Analyze the active power (aP_1) in both the Live and Raw Data modules.
    • These analyses are performed on a point-by-point basis and multiple points cannot be displayed on the same chart.
  • Employ the Peak Demand Finder tool in the Raw Data module to find the peak demand in a selected period.
  • Analyze the estimated consumption (energy usage, pC_1) in the Portfolio Analyst module.
    • This analysis may be performed on a single point, or across multiple points.
    • The data for multiple points can be displayed on the same Breakdown chart.

Alternatively, the electric demand my be tracked on a number/generic data point, where you can:

  • Analyze the demand (active power, aP_1) values in the Portfolio Analyst module.
    • The data for multiple points can be displayed on the same Breakdown chart.
  • However, the numeric values cannot be analyzed in the Raw Data or Live modules.
    • As the data cannot be analyzed in the Raw Data module, you cannot use the Peak Deman Finder tool.

Create a data point

Data point type - four main types 

  • Electric
  • Gas
  • Water
  • Numeric - can host whatever type of information you need

Meter templates

  • Select the template and the template populates the form for you.

Meter IDs

  • Unique string that is attached to the data.
  • Tells the system where to put the data.