Link meters to emissions sources spreadsheet

Use this spreadsheet to link meters and emissions sources. You can link any meter with GHG details to an emissions source.

Benefits of spreadsheets

Spreadsheets save time and let you create multiple items at one time.

  • The menu displays spreadsheets matching your permissions.
  • Always download a new spreadsheet before you begin adding data because the spreadsheet is populated with information from your database.

Format rules

  • Enter all information as text or dates.
  • You can add sheets to the notebook, only the sheet named DataEntry is processed.
  • Do not rename, remove, or rearrange columns.

Maximum length for codes and names

The column header lists the maximum length for each attribute. When entering data, a red cell indicates the name or code exceeding the specified length. If you upload the spreadsheet without fixing the cell, the row fails to process and an error spreadsheet is created.


When creating a brand new emissions source with a spreadsheet, the emissions source code automatically matches the meter code. When you want to change a meter's linked emissions source, you first must update the code for the emissions source so that it no longer matches the meter. You can then use the spreadsheet to link the meter to a different emissions source.

Spreadsheet columns

Columns Rules

Meter Name

Read-only meter identifiers.

Meter Code Read-only meter identifiers.
Commodity Read-only meter identifiers.
Meter Address Read-only meter identifiers.
Emissions Source (Code) You have three options. Link to an existing emissions source, create a new one, or unlink an emissions source and meter. 
Default Scope: Category Required when Create new emissions source is entered.
Factor Step 1: Region Required when Create new emissions source is entered. This helps narrow the factors by region.
Factor Step 2: Category Required when Create new emissions source is entered. This helps narrow down the list of factors.
Factor Step 3: GHG Factor Required when Create new emissions source is entered. This helps narrow down the list of factors.