Account alerts

Account alerts help you control or monitor billing activity for an account. When you configure alerts, you can either warn users or block bill entries entirely.

Account alerts show messages during manual bill entry or account alerts can block a bill from being entered. This can be helpful when your organization is no longer responsible for paying the bills for a specific account. As soon as you know the effective date for this change you can enter it into UtilityManagement.

Create an alert

You enter Account Alerts on the account Properties tab.


  1. Warn—Provides a message during bill entry and saves the bill.
  2. Block—Provides a message during bill entry and prevents you from saving the bill.

Effective Date
Enter the date range for the alert. The end date can be blank. All bills entered or imported with an end date on or between the account alert effective dates trigger an account alert.


Set a Block alert for a building scheduled for demolition in three months. Set the effective date for when to start the block.

Importing bills and account alerts

The bill import process honors block account alerts.

The bill is NOT imported and produces an error (kickout) when the account alert is set to Block.

Manual bill entry messages

You can displays messages during manual bill entry and add notes to bills.

  1. Account memo. Displayed for any linked meters on the account. Enter it when you edit an account.
  2. Bill note. You can add a note to any bill during manual bill entry or in the bill import file.
  3. Account alert. If the date range of the bill is during the effective period of the alert, this message appears. Enter it on the Properties page of the account.
  4. Bill entry note. Created at the meter level and displays during manual bill entry. Enter on the Properties page of the meter.