Automatically create accounts and meters with bill import
This table provides details on how to use the CreateUpdateOption with an advanced file format. Please see this article for all the details about advanced file formats.
The create option also updates the serial number and rate code (rate schedule) if they already exist.
The green columns are required for all bill imports.
Remember to include the asterisk in the column header. There is no required order for the columns that are used to create accounts and meters.
Column Header | Optional or Required | Possible values |
AccountCode |
Required |
StartDate | Required | |
EndDate | Required | |
A/C/E | Required | A, C, E |
metercode | Required | |
*CreateUpdateOption | Optional |
Create Accounts with Meters, Create Only Meters, Update Information on existing Accounts and Meters |
V/P/R | Optional | V, P, R |
*ACCOUNTNAME | Required when creating an account, this is the account name. | |
*ACCOUNTSTREET1 | Optional | |
Optional |
*ACCOUNTSTREET3 | Optional | |
*ACCOUNTCITY | Optional | |
*ACCOUNTSTATE | Optional | |
*ACCOUNTPOSTALCODE | Required when the country is US or Canada. | 16801 |
Optional, defaults to US. |
*COSTCENTERCODE | Optional, defaults to NO PARENT cost center. | |
*INCLUDEINACCRUALS | Optional, defaults to YES. | |
*SUMMARYACCOUNTNUMBER | Optional | Creates this account as a sub account under the selected summary account (account number). |
*SUMMARYACCOUNTVENDORCODE | Optional | Creates this account as a sub account under the selected vendor code (vendor code). |
VENDORCODE | Required when creating an account. If it doesn't exist it is created. |
*VENDORROLE | Optional when creating a meter, defaults to DISTRIBUTION AND SUPPLY. |
Distribution Only Supply Only Distribution and Supply |
RATECODE | Required when creating a new account meter relationship, optional when updating a meter. If it doesn't exist it is created. |
*COMMODITYNAME | Required when creating a meter. |
electric chilled water natural gas |
*TIMEZONE | Optional when creating a meter. |
(UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
METERSERIAL | Optional when creating or updating a meter. | |
*IMPORTID | Optional when creating a meter. | |
Required, this is the meter name. |
*PLACECODE | Optional when creating a meter, defaults to the NO PARENT organization. | |
*PRIMARYUSECODE | Optional when creating a meter. | |
*USEUNIT | Optional when creating a meter, defaults to the commodity common (rollup) unit. | |
*DEMANDUNIT | Optional when creating a meter. | |
*METERSTREET1 | Optional | |
*METERSTREET2 | Optional | |
*METERSTREET3 | Optional | |
*METERCITY | Optional | |
*METERSTATE | Optional | |
*METERPOSTALCODE | Required when US or Canada. | |
*METERCOUNTRY | Optional, defaults to US. | |
*METERLATITUDE | Optional | |
*METERLONGITUDE | Optional | |