EnergyCAP 7.12 release notes

This release includes interval channel enhancements designed to improve the management of channel data. These features improve the process of tracking submeter swap-outs and enhance options for interval data systems integration.

Enhanced interval data channel settings

You can now track changes to your submeter settings over time. From the Actions menu on the channel, select Add New Channel Settings. Here you can update the multiplier, rollover, and unit information when you replace a meter.

Historic and current submeter values are presented in consistent units to allow for proper charting and reporting.

Improved meter swap-out process

It’s easy to record the final reading for the existing meter and the initial reading for your new submeter. EnergyCAP’s chargeback engine seamlessly handles meter swap-outs when performing bill calculations.

Track custom field values on interval data channels

Custom fields for channels let you track specific items important for your submeters. These fields can be used to further enhance integrations with interval data systems. You can update the values for the fields in the application or through a setup spreadsheet.

New interval data channels setup spreadsheet

To accommodate the changes made to channels we’ve updated the channel create and channel update setup spreadsheets. Remember to always download a current setup spreadsheet before you begin adding or updating information.

New API versions for interval data channels

Several EnergyCAP APIs for interval data channels have been versioned to accommodate for new functionality. New API versions as well as deprecated APIs have been documented on

Deprecated APIs will be supported for several months before they are retired. If your organization is using an automated interval data integration, please confirm that you transition off any deprecated APIs before they are retired.