October 2023 release notes
Interval data widget includes EnergyCAP SmartAnalytics data
We've updated the interval data dashboard widget to display EnergyCAP SmartAnalytics™ data.
When a EnergyCAP UtilityManagement™ meter is linked to a SmartAnalytics data point an icon in the hierarchy shows that they are linked.
You can select any linked SmartAnalytics data point in the interval data widget.
The data is live and not stored in UtilityManagement, the widget uses APIs to pull current data to create the widget. This feature requires a subscription to SmartAnalytics.
Customize number of years for Normalized monthly data
When viewing the monthly normalized charts for a meter you can now select the number of years you want in the chart.
Updates for Legacy GHG customers
UtilityManagement customers with the Legacy GHG feature can now edit the default scope category and GHG factor per commodity.