
Summary by Commodity

This is a configured version of Report-04 that reports on the calendarized use and cost for each of your buildings.

The filter options are listed in the appliction in the instructions panel.

Other filters to consider

  1. The Display by category lets you see more granular commodity data in charts and reports.
  2. Do you want to include only Active accounts? If this filter is not included your report includes both active and inactive.
  3. Include or not include void bills?
  4. Do you want a report for each building/meter or a one-page executive summary report? Use the filter Group by to determine how many pages are in your report.
    • Without the filter Group by the report is a one page summary.
    • If you set the filter for a Topmost place to an organization you can group by building and have one chart or data table per building for the specified topmost.