Bill Analysis
Line charts (and data table) help you identify and analyze abnormal bills. This report uses a quadratic regression equation to find outlier bills. The data table is valuable not only in showing one page per outlier bill, but also in providing historical data to help you quickly verify if the bill requires further investigation.
Because this report is designed to audit current bills you should either set the Billing period to a recent month, choose a recent Batch, or set the Bill entry date to see bills recently entered.
The filter Outlier analysis sensitivity lets you decide what bills to include and reports on the most probable problems (Severe only) or be less sensitive and include High and Moderate problems.
The filter Value analyzed for outliers lets you pick use, cost, demand, or any combination of the three.
You can subscribe to Report-13 to get emails when problematic bills are entered. Configure the report and subscribe to the report. Use the option to Only send report if data is available.
Set your filters
- Do you want to include only Active accounts? If this filter is not included your report includes both active and inactive.
- Include or not include void bills?
- Set the Number of comparison years.
- Decide what bills are included with the filter Outlier analysis sensitivity.
- Set the values you want analyzed to determine if the bill is an outlier with the filter Value analyzed for outliers.
Other filters to consider
- Set the Billing period, Batch, or Entry date.
- The filter Cost is useful to reduce report size by filtering out low-cost bills that may not need review.