
Monthly Comparison

Line charts (with data table) to compare use, cost, and AUC of two different years. Yellow color-coding highlights variance exceptions between selected years.

This is a one page summary report unless you add the filter Group by.

Demand Reporting

If your report includes meters with mixed units of measure for demand, only one demand type is shown in the report.


Set a variance threshold and have the report automatically highlight abnormal results.

Set your filters

  1. Set your Base year.
  2. Set your Current year.
  3. Choose the type of data you want in your report with the filter Data type.
    • Billing Period Data uses the raw billing data as received from the utility vendor. Billing period data is better when working with accounting functions or charging departments for their portion of bill.
    • Calendarized data is more representative of monthly use and cost. For year-over-year COST comparisons choose calendarized data.
    • Normalized is best when comparing USE year-over-year because it removes weather as a variable.
  4. Set the filter First month with the month you want the report to start.
  5. Number of months sets the number of months for each column. Enter 3 for a quarterly report or 12 for a full year report.

Other filters to consider

  1. Do you want to include only Active accounts? If this filter is not included your report includes both active and inactive.
  2. Do you use chargebacks and only want to see vendor bills? or only see chargeback bills? Add the filter Bill is from external vendor, otherwise you see both chargeback and vendor bills in your report.
  3. Include or not include void bills?
  4. Do you want a report for each building or meter or a one-page executive summary report? Use the filter Group by to determine how many pages are in your report.
    • Without the filter Group by the report is a one page summary.
    • If you set your topmost to an organization you can group by building and have one chart or data table per building.


A one page executive summary of your organization comparing 2019 to 2020.

Building report with variances greater than 10% highlights.