Bill Use Reconciliation Report
Report-35 checks interval data against existing utility bills for accuracy. Each commodity is on a separate tab. Variance filters help you quickly spot outliers.
The report sums the interval use data and converts it to a monthly use total for comparison against the monthly utility bill. If demand is recorded, the report also compares interval demand data to the demand data on the monthly bill.
Report-30 checks new readings for reasonableness before creating a chargeback bill.
A bill that has very low Use variance, yet high Demand variance may indicate that your Billed Demand has been set because of a peak in a prior month. Check your tariff and bill to see if a “demand ratchet charge penalty” is in effect.
Because of the timing (we don’t track the time-of-day when utility company readings are recorded), variations of up to 3% are normal. Positive and negative variances should cancel out over time.
Set your filters
- Select the Date range or Account period to analyze.
- Set the Highlight variance %. Variations up to 3% are normal.
- Adjust the filter Bill is from external vendor.
Other filters to consider
- Do you want to include only Active accounts? If this filter is not included your report includes both active and inactive.
- Include or not include void bills?
- View a subset of your data using the filter Topmost place or Meter group.