
Sustainability Manager Report

Pie charts and data table break out use for each commodity. Use trend charts show energy and water use. This report shows monthly use, use intensity, and performance versus a previous base year.

HDD and CDD statistics are available when grouping by building.

Similar to Report-22 but limited to use; cost is not shown.


The energy use intensity (EUI) and water use intensity (WUI) Comparison Target Year defaults to the filter Base year unless a building custom field named Base Year is created, and an override year is populated.

Ensure the custom field is spelled correctly and the year is populated in the format yyyy.

The base year override method only works when running the report on a single building. To run the report on multiple buildings, use the filter Base year.

Set your filters

  1. Enter the Base year.
  2. Enter the Current year.
  3. Set the filter First month with the month you want the report to start.
  4. Do you want a report for each building or meter or a one-page executive summary? Use the filter Group by for a building report.
  5. Number of months sets the number of months for each column. Enter 3 for a quarterly report or 12 for a full year report.