Update buildings and organizations with a spreadsheet

Update buildings and organizations with a spreadsheet.

Organizations are listed alphabetically by organization code, followed by buildings listed alphabetically by building code.

Update spreadsheets save time and allow you to update multiple items at once.

  • Update spreadsheets typically display two columns for each attribute, updates should be entered in the white columns.
  • Always download a new spreadsheet before you begin adding information because each sheet is populated with data from the database.

Formatting rules

  • All information should be entered as text or dates.
  • You can add sheets if needed, UtilityManagement only processes the sheet named DataEntry.
  • Do not remove columns.

Download the update spreadsheet

In the Create dialog, click Setup Spreadsheets.

  1. From the Setup Spreadsheets Log, click Download.
  2. Under Update Spreadsheets, choose Buildings and Organizations.
  3. Set the filters as needed to limit the amount of data in the spreadsheet.
  4. Download the spreadsheet.
  5. Name format is yyyymmdd-UPDATE_BuildingsAndOrganizations.xlsx.
  6. Add your information and save.
  7. Use Import to upload your spreadsheet.
  8. The Setup Spreadsheets Log reports the results and any errors. You can download the error (kickout) spreadsheet from the hyperlink, fix any errors, and upload the error sheet.
Available update columns are listed below.



Organization Code Update

This code must be unique. The row fails to process if a duplicate is found in your database. See the list below for accepted characters in codes.

Organization Name Update

The name does not need to be unique but keeping names unique makes searching and reporting much clearer.

Organization Type Code Update

Update by choosing from the drop-down. Type is most useful in place type reports to compare similar organizations. If unsure choose the type Organization.

Organization Description Update

Parent Organization Code Update

Update the parent code. This column is used for both organization and building.

Building Code Update

This code must be unique. A duplicate row fails to process. See the list below for accepted characters in codes.

Building Name Update

Enter an updated building name, duplicates are permitted but not recommended.

Building Address Street 1 Update

Building Address Street 2 Update

Building Address Street 3 Update
Building Address City Update
Building Address State/Province/Region Update

Building Address Postal Code Update

Enter updated postal code.

Building Address Country Update

Choose the new country from the drop-down.

Latitude Update

Enter updated latitude.

Longitude Update

Enter updated longitude.

Update Building Weather Station Based on Address

Defaults to No.

Either update the building weather station based on the address or enter the new weather station.

Building Weather Station Update If building address is not used to update the weather station enter the weather station in this column.

Construction Update

Enter an updated building date.

Floor Area Update

Enter an updated floor area.

Floor Area Unit Update

Change the floor area unit by choosing from the drop-down.

Floor Area Effective Date Update

Enter an updated floor area effective date.

Primary Use Code Update

Update the primary use from the drop-down. Primary use is a system group available in the Groups and Benchmarks module.

Building Description Update

Allowed characters for codes

  1. A-Z, no lower case letters
  2. 0-9
  3. &
  4. _
  5. /
  6. -