Groups and benchmarks module

The Groups and Benchmarks module is a powerful tool that helps to highlight sites and meters with abnormal cost, use, or demand. These sites or meters often offer the greatest opportunity for cost reduction and energy savings.

PDF to help you get started with groups and benchmarks.


By default the last 12 months* (not including the current month or the last month) of billing data is displayed. You can select your own time period in the Filters menu.

Menu selections are persistent from session to session and do NOT reset to default when you log out.

Categories exist under Site Groups and Meter Groups to help you organize your groups.

Categories and groups with no members are not displayed in the tree, empty groups can be managed by clicking on Site Groups or Meter Groups.

building groups example

Available charts

  • High to Low
  • Low to High
  • Scatter Plot: Visually identify outliers
  • Savings Opportunities: Savings opportunity if a group member is reduced to median
  • Details: Several columns of data for each group member

Hide a group member

Occasionally you may not be able to improve the performance of a group member and you want to hide it from benchmarks and the calculations.

  1. Select the hide icon to exclude the member.
  2. The benchmark calculations and median update automatically.
  3. To include the member again, on the Sites or Meters tab add the member back in by clicking the Show icon.

Empty categories and groups are hidden

When a category has no groups it is not displayed in the view on the left.

When a group has no members (or members you have permission to view) the group is hidden from the view on the left.

Empty categories and groups are visible in the management section.

Data rules for groups

Voided and accrual bills are not included in graphs or charts.

Account charges are included in site benchmarks but not meter benchmark data.

*12-month charts

12-month charts display data for the most recent 12 months, not including the current month or the last month.