Bill format details and examples
Bill line typesBill line types with units can result in a line item having:
Empty line items are not savedIf cost is not entered, the field is removed from the bill after the bill is saved. Add a zero to keep the cost line itemYou can enter a zero to keep cost as part of the line item.
When are bill formats used?
Vendor account linesYou can define account line items that you want to always appear on new bills on the vendor Properties page. This helps keep all new bills consistent for reporting. You can also copy account line items from one vendor to another.
Copy account lines to other vendorsYou can save time and ensure consistency by copying vendor account lines from one vendor to another.
When you copy account lines to another vendor any existing account lines are replaced.
Copy bill formatsYou can reuse a bill format.
How to enter your first bill
Bill Formats and Bill CAPtureBill formats are only used for manually entering bills and won't affect your Bill CAPture bill imports. This pdf shows the most commonly used bill line types and recommendations on which line type to use and not use.
Example bill formatsUse these bill format example as a starting point to create the bill formats you need for manual bill entry. Make sure the units on the bill format match the units on your utility bill. |
Electric with billed demandPreviously FD_KWH_S_Y_T1_01 (transmission and delivery). These line items replicate the common lines needed to manually input your bill into UtilityManagement. This basic format captures the essential elements of an electric bill. If the bill does not show separate values for metered/actual and billed demand, enter the demand value as the metered/actual and leave the billed demand blank or eliminate the line item. (Some rate schedules have ratchet penalties where metered peak demand one month continues to be billed in subsequent months, regardless of the metered demand. It can be valuable to identify these ratchet charge situations.) |
Natural gasPreviously FD_CCF_S_N_01. This is a basic gas bill format. Note the line item types are the same as the electric format but the label and use units are different. Line item type Use is the most used bill entry line. |
Electric supply onlyPreviously G_KWH_01. This bill format is used for deregulated scenarios. When entering deregulated bill, special line items must be used. Generation Use is a special electric line item that lets you track kWh use on the Supply bill. This use is not added to the meter consumption because the meter consumption is tracked on the distribution bill. In other words, the distribution bill has a Use line item that counts and the supply bill has a Generation Use line item that doesn't count. The Generation Use is informational and can help you verify the kWh billed by the supplier equals the kWh delivered by the distribution company. Generation Billed Demand is a similar supply-side informational line item, although seldom used because demand is not typically shown on supplier bills. |
Electric combined T and D with separate supply linePreviously FD_KWH_A_Y_T2_01. Some bills may bundle distribution and supply line items. This bill format illustrates both distribution and supply on the bill. Distribution is split into on and off peak use and demand. Supply is split into one line for generation use and another for supply charge. Note the blue vertical bar on the left indicates an informational line item and is not added to the meter consumption. |
Electric time of usePreviously FD_KWH_S_Y_T2_01. This bill format is similar to the one above. Separate line items are available for on and off peak use and demand, plus a simple Total Cost line rather than itemized line-by-line charges. The meter consumption for the month is the sum of the on and off peak kWh. However, the monthly demand shown on many reports and charts in NOT the total of on and off peak; it is the max value. |
Water and sewer broken outPreviously FD_CCF_S_N_01. Sewer charges are typically based on water consumption and often appear on the same bill. Sewer service points can be set up as separate meter to have high visibility of sewer on reports and charts as a separate commodity or when tracked as a line item on the water bill as shown in this example. Notes on this example: -The commodity chosen here is water/sewer to indicate combined tracking of total cost -To report on sewer cost user Report-18 line items |
Natural gas supply onlyPreviously S_CCF_S_N_01. "Information only use" on an electric supply bill is Generation Use, the "information only use" on a gas supply bill is Wellhead Use. Choose the Wellhead Use line item to track supply gas volume for verification versus the counted Use line item on a distribution gas bill. |
Natural gas combinedPreviously FD_CCF_A_N_01 The bill format combines gas distribution and supply on one bill. The Use line item counts while the Wellhead Use line item verifies supply volume compared to the delivered volume. |
PV solar net meter, no third party dereg supplier, no PPA (self-owned)Previously FD_KWH_A_Y_T1_05 |
PV solar net meter w/third party dereg supplier, no PPA (self-owned PV) |
PV solar net meter w/PPA, no third party dereg supplier |
PV solar net meter w/third party dereg supplier, w/PPA |