What is Bill CAPture?

This is documentation for Legacy Bill CAPture, if you are using Bill CAPture that is integrated with UtilityManagement use this updated help page.  

Accurate utility bill accounting and effective energy management begin with complete utility bill data. Unfortunately, manual bill data entry can consume way too many hours of valuable time. What is the solution? Let UtilityManagement do the work for you with Bill CAPture, a turnkey utility bill processing and management service.

Utility bill processing

Utility invoice formats and accessibility vary widely from vendor to vendor. Using industry-leading technologies, Bill CAPture processes utility bills in a variety of formats…

  • Scanned Images (PDF, TIFF, etc.)
  • EDI 810 Files
  • Electronic Files (XLS, CSV, TXT, etc.)
  • Paper Bills

…by multiple collection methods:

  • SFTP Transfer
  • Website Upload
  • Website Capture
  • Email
  • Mail Redirect
  • VAN Service 

Optical character recognition (OCR) is used to convert bill images into UtilityManagement bill files. When bill images are not available, sophisticated electronic mapping tools are employed for EDI and other electronic bills. With either method, all charges and standard line item details are captured, allowing for comprehensive analysis of your utility bill information in UtilityManagement.

Standard line items include use, demand, and costs, but do not include ancillary items such as meter reads or readings, meter multipliers, degree days, interval data, rainfall, and snowfall. 

Supplementary workflow steps are built into the Bill CAPture service to ensure accurate data, notifications of data issues, and reporting transparency.

If you host your UtilityManagement database, we transform your bills into a “Ready-to-Import” file that can be easily loaded into your database. When we host your database, we go a few steps further by importing and auditing your bills, uploading your bill images, and distributing batch and audit reports.

Bills are imported into your UtilityManagement database (or delivered to clients hosting on premises) within an agreed-upon Service Level Agreement that is based on your organization’s bill payment process. After entry into UtilityManagement, your utility bill data is immediately accessible for additional auditing, analysis, and reporting.

Billing data can be exported from UtilityManagement in a format that is ready to import into your accounting system. The integration eliminates redundant bill data entry and makes sure that invoices are audited and approved before they are paid.

Managed services

The Bill CAPture service does not have to stop with data entry. You may elect to have our experienced staff resolve billing and account-related issues for you.

Every line of billing data is automatically audited by UtilityManagement to confirm accuracy and completeness. If a bill is flagged by UtilityManagement, your assigned Bill CAPture representative reviews the issue and takes appropriate action—setting up new accounts and meters in UtilityManagement, resolving missing, duplicate, or corrected bill issues, and more—to keep the workflow moving. 

Our Bill CAPture management activities are based on your organization’s business rules and are documented and available for review within UtilityManagement , provided through reports, and discussed during regularly scheduled phone calls or online meetings.

With decades of hands-on experience, we deliver the same value and peace-of-mind with Bill CAPture as with our UtilityManagement utility bill management software. We will set you free from the challenges of bill processing and provide you with more time to perform higher-value duties.