Bill list overview
Bill lists help you find bills and take actions on them. You can create, copy, or share bill lists in the Bills module.
Bill lists help you find bills
- In a particular date range
- By account code
- Over a particular amount
Bill lists options
- Create, copy, or share with others based on your user role.
- Export results to Excel.
- Let you to take actions on bills.
Why create a bill list?
- Helps you answer a specific question. If you need to answer this question often, create a bill list to save time in the future.
- Find specific bills and act on them.
- Jean's list with filters set to–Bills for Cost Center XYZ and Total cost > $10,000.
- Unapproved Bills set to–Bill is not approved, Bill is not void.
- All Electric bills for last month–Commodity name = Electric and Billing Period = Prior month.
— Use a topmost filter to narrow your focus
— Use place or meter groups
Why use a topmost filter?
Use the topmost filter to set the topmost place or cost center for your bill list. This can narrow your focus, as it limits the returned data to objects under the specified part of the tree.
Setting a topmost filter is particularly useful when chargebacks are implemented for your organization. Chargebacks use an organization that may be named Supporting Data – NOT FOR REPORTING. Do not include this organization in your report or dashboard because the results double count use and cost.
Site and meter group filter
Bill lists can be filtered by site and meter groups, this provides two benefits:
- Create your own groups to use with the filters.
- No need to rely on the tree structure for your reporting.
Meter bill list and unit cost
On a meter bill list the unit cost column does not include account charges.