February 2024 release notes

Published February 22, 2024

The February 2024 UtilityManagement release includes options for entering bills in different currencies, new tools for viewing bill payment details, updates to vendor and account properties, and an updated bill export list.


Set your system currency for reporting

With the February release, you can now set the system currency you want to use for reporting, dashboards, and viewing bills. 

The system currency is useful so that all cost information can be rolled up for reporting. You can enter and view bills in either their source currency or use the system currency.

Not all reports honor system currencys, we've updated the most popular reports so far:

  • Report 01
  • Report 02
  • Report 04
  • Report 06
  • Report 08
  • Report 12
  • Report 17
  • Report 18
  • Report 19
  • Report 24
  • Report 27

Easily change a bill from the system currency to another currency

You can enter a bill in a currency other than the system currency.

After a bill is saved you can switch between a bill's source and system currency

You can easily view the bill in the source currency or system currency after it is saved.

From any bill list, click and view the bill. The Total Cost line lets you switch between the system currency and the bill's source currency.

Bill list columns

You can add columns to your bill list to view system and source costs.

And you can add currency columns to view source data on a meter bill list.

Improvements to bill payment details

New pay status tag

When a bill has a pay status a tag is added to the bill.

Payment detail columns added to bill lists

Several new columns are now available to add to your bill list. These columns help you quickly sort and identify the payment information of your bills.

The following columns are available:

  • Pay Status
  • Funds withdrawn date
  • Check date
  • Check cleared date
  • Check number

Other updates

Option to add more vendor details

You can now add email address and phone number to vendors and provide a different vendor remit address on accounts.

Updates to the Bill Export table 

Total Cost and Type have been added as columns to the Bill Export table to help sort and review your exports.

Cost values in bill export files always use the $ symbol even if the amount is a differenct currency. This will be addressed in a future release.

Bills module updates

Your bill lists and shared bill lists along with Bill Export section are now collapsible, this is helpful when you have many personal bill lists or shared bill lists.

Account custom fields available as filters for meter groups

You can create meter groups based on the meter's account custom fields information.