May 2024 Release Notes

Published May 9, 2024

With the May 2024 release we've added features to make it easier for you to view and report on your utility bill data.

Bill captions length increased

You can include more details in bills captions as the length has been increased to 100 characters. If the caption is longer and is truncated you can hover over the caption to see the full text.

Bill exports support multi-currency

Bill exports now support multi-currency.

Commodity categories

Check out this commodity category tour!

With this update you can now group commodities into categories. This is useful to track commodities because it gives you more granularity when reporting on overall use and costs.

Use the Commodities and Units option in the Settings menu to manage your commodity categories.

Create categories

Quickly view cost and use in Powerviews and dashboards

Use the filter Display by category to view totals by category.

Commodity category available in many widgets

Just a few of the widgets that now have the commodity category filter.

  • Bar Rank 
  • Commodity Cost
  • GHG Rankings
  • Key Performance Indicator
  • Monthly Cost Trends
  • Monthly Use Trends
  • Rolling Monthly Comparison

Create a meter group based on a commodity category

Commodity category is available as a filter when creating meter groups.

Default commodity categories 

Four default commodity categories have been created in the application. You can remove them or update them as needed based on your reporting needs.

  1. Electricity
  2. Water
  3. Sewer
  4. Travel

You can view and manage these in Commodities and Units from the Settings menu.

New options for creating a commodity

You can now create a commodity when you are creating a meter or rate schedule.

New status filter for Bill CAPture uploads

A new filter lets you view your Bill CAPture uploads by status.

Improved Bill PDF images

Bill PDF links on the Bills tab and in Bill lists use Report 09a for a more realistic bill image.

Help text added to filters

Widget and report filters now have popover help so you can quickly decide which filter you need.