Report subscription and distribution

Report subscription

Subscribe to have reports automatically sent to you. (This option is not available for legacy reports.)

  1. Configure the filters on a report.
  2. Save it as a new saved report.
  3. From My Saved Reports use the Actions menu and select Subscribe.
  4. Set the type of report you want and frequency to send.
  5. By default the report is only sent if it contains data. Files sent with report subscription are limited to 10MB in size.
  6. A report tag shows the delivery frequency.
  7. Use the Actions menu to edit the subscription.

Example subscription

Use report subscription with the filter Alternate Sliding Period on Report-22 to receive an updated report each month.

Example subscription

Configure the filters for Report-13 to look for abnormal bills and then only have the report sent to you if it contains data.

Report Distribution

Report distribution lets you schedule a report to be emailed to one or more user groups on a schedule you define. As with shared reports and dashboards, report distribution honors the topmost restrictions of users.

Distribution steps

  1. Select a report (excluding legacy reports).
  2. From the Save As menu select New Distribution.
  3. Configure the report filters.
  4. Decide how often to send the report.
  5. Select one or more user groups to receive the report.
  6. Review the distribution log for results.

File size limit

Files sent with report distribution are limited to 10MB in size.  You can set up the report with the appropriate filters first and download a copy and check the file size. 

If the file is 10 MB or more:

  1. Set up more than one distribution for the report with more filtering, (for example, fewer billing periods or set a topmost place) to get smaller reports.
  2. Run the report and download it.  Manually email to recipients.

Send reports to non-UtilityManagement users

Reports can be emailed to non-UtilityManagement users by adding their email address to the appropriate user group. This email address creates a limited user with the Basic Contact role and the default topmost permissions configured in your System Settings.

Actions menu

You can manage your distribution with the Actions menu.

Report Distributions continue to run, even if the user who configured the distribution is changed to inactive. A user with permission to manage report distributions can manage any report distributions.

Report Distribution Log

Review the results of each report distribution.