Rate schedule overview

Rate schedule features

  • Defines the billing rules for a meter.
  • Is often included on the vendor utility bill.
  • Is found in the Vendors and Rates module.
  • Is assigned one per meter.
  • Can be used in chargebacks and assigned to a submeter for the unit cost on the generated bill.

tree view of vendors

Rate version

A rate version helps you track rate schedule changes over time.

All meter and account line items are cumulative, therefore the order can be important.

When to create a new rate schedule version

Create a new RATE if:

  • The vendor has changed and a matching rate is not available.
  • Multiple accounts use the same rate and proposed changes only affect a subset of accounts.

Create a new RATE VERSION if:

  • The existing vendor is making a rate change affecting all accounts.
  • Keeping the old rate for entering historical bills is important.

Steps to create a new rate schedule version

  1. Go to the Properties tab of the rate schedule.

  2. Copy the rate schedule version and make the necessary updates. Any custom fields are also copied.

  3. Save.

Rate version and chargebacks

The chargeback engine uses the rate with the effective date matching the start date of the bill being created.

When configuring chargebacks to use the rate schedule, the meter and account line items are only added one time, either in the rate schedule version or in the chargeback configuration.

Create a rate schedule

You can manage rate schedules:

Assign a new rate schedule to a meter

You can assign a new rate schedule to the meter on the meter Properties page.

  1. Expand Linked Accounts.
  2. Expand the account.
  3. Edit the rate schedule.

  4. Add a row above.
  5. Choose the new rate from the drop-down.
  6. Set an effective date.


A report of user roles and their permissions is available for download on the Users and Roles page.

Custom user roles are created by administrators.