Edit account
Edit an account with the Actions menu.
Edit Account
- Set the account to inactive or active. You cannot enter bills on an inactive account. You can use filters to exclude inactive accounts from reports, bill lists, and dashboards.
- Choose to include or not include in bill accruals.
- Set the service effective date, this sets the time period allowed for entering bills.
- Update address information.
- Update the parent cost center.
- Add or edit an Account GL Record. A Meter GL Record is more commonly used and is created automatically.
- Add an account memo. The account memo appears during bill entry and provides helpful reminders during manual bill entry.
Change the account number
You have two options for updating your account number.
- Use the Actions menu and Edit the account and change the number, the previous account number is not saved.
- Use the Actions menu and Change Account Number to keep a history of the previous account number. The old account number is included when you search.
- This is useful when the vendor changes the account number and you have bills entered with the old account number.
Stop Auditing Bills on this Account
- Choose this option to stop auditing all bills on this account.
Add or edit a linked meter
Add or edit a linked meter on the account Properties tab.
- Update the vendor role.
- Change or edit the Meter GL Record. The Meter GL Record is the most common method for storing accounting information and is used in accounting reformatters.
- Update subcode values for the Meter GL Record.
- Add an ending effective date. Bills cannot be entered after the ending effective date.
- Unlink the account and meter.
Relink an account and meter
Did you unlink a meter and account and need to relink?
- Edit the linked account or meter with the incorrect end date.
- Click Unlink.
- Set the end date to 1/1/3000.
- Save.
Inactive account
You cannot enter bills on an inactive account. Alternatively, you can leave the account active and create a block alert to stop bills from being entered. This second option could be helpful if you want to stop bills being entered for a particular time span.
To make an account inactive:
- Choose Edit Account from the Actions menu.
- Choose Inactive.
- Save.
To view an inactive account, change your settings in the Account module menu and choose Show Inactive Accounts.
- You cannot enter bills on a meter when the account is inactive.
- Billing information from inactive accounts is included in charts and graphs.
- To see both active and inactive account billing information in reports, remove the optional filter Account is Active.
Example of inactive icon
Inactive icons are gray and have no color.
A report of user roles and their permissions is available for download on the Users and Roles page.
Custom user roles are created by administrators.