Bill CAPture Portal is Moving to UtilityManagement

Why is the Bill CAPture Portal moving?

We are integrating Bill CAPture into UtilityManagement to provide a more seamless experience with increased security and other improvements.

Check out this tour of the integrated Bill CAPture!
  • Use the same login you use for UtilityManagement to access Bill CAPture. No more shared credentials. If you don't have a login to UtilityManagement, ask your organization's administrator to create you an account.
  • Now that everyone has their own user, you can see who uploaded what and when.
  • Uploading your bills and resolving errors is now part of the same application you use to view and manage your bills. No more switching between two applications!

When is the Bill CAPture Portal moving?

We will be migrating customers to using Bill CAPture in UtilityManagement in phases. You will receive a Customer Service Message 2 weeks before your planned migration date with additional details.

What will happen to my batches and stats?

We are not making changes to any of your data, you are simply accessing it a different way. On your migration date, once you log in to UtilityManagement, go to the Bills module and look for the Bill CAPture item in the sidebar. There you will see all your uploads and stats as you did in the Legacy Bill CAPture Portal.

Will I continue to get notifications from Bill CAPture?

Yes, but these will now be part of your notifications in UtilityManagement. Before your migration date, verify that you are subscribed to Bill CAPture notifications in UtilityManagement. You can choose to see them only in the application, have them sent to your email address or choose both. Learn more about notifications in UtilityManagement. Please note: Bill CAPture Notices (i.e. Problematic Scans, Mail Redirect Notices and Alerts) will continue to be sent directly from the CAPture Services Team.

Can I still use the old Bill CAPture portal?

No, if you try to log in to the Legacy Bill CAPture portal on or after your migration date, you will see an error with a link to this document. Instead, log in to UtilityManagement as you normally would, go to the Bills module, and look for the Bill CAPture item in the sidebar.

How do I access Bill CAPture going forward?

Log in to UtilityManagement as you normally would, go to the Bills module, and look for the Bill CAPture item in the sidebar.

How will I upload files to Bill CAPture going forward?

Log in to UtilityManagement as you normally would, go to the Bills module, and look for the Bill CAPture item in the sidebar. From there, click on the upload button to open the dialog where you can select your zip files and upload them as you normally would. One difference is now there is a drop-down to indicate what category the upload is (Live, Historical, Maintenance, Setup Enrollment) so you no longer need to give your zip file names prefixes!

Please note, the zip file will not immediately appear in the Upload History. A notification will be sent when the Bill CAPture batch has been received for processing and is in the Upload History.

If you currently provide electronic files outside of the Legacy Bill CAPture Portal, continue to deliver these files in the same manner.

How do I enable a processing hold?

This feature is no longer available.

How do I enable custom batch prefixes?

Enable batch override by toggling to yes in the Bill CAPture settings in the Bills module. By enabling batch override, Bill CAPture retains the original zip file name. The file name needs to include any required batch prefixes. 

User roles and permissions

When you have a user that only uploads Bill CAPture files you can copy the role View Only: All Modules and add the permission Create to Bill CAPture.

What else is changing?

Some terminology

  • Bill Upload History is called Uploads. Uploads represent files that include bills that you have uploaded to Bill CAPture and are being processed before they are imported into UtilityManagement. Batches refer to groups of bills in UtilityManagement after they have been imported.
  • Upload statuses. Upload statuses have been updated to align with other statuses in UtilityManagement.
    • “In Queue” is now “Processing”. Processing represents any zip files that have been uploaded from the time you receive the successful upload notification until they are processed and imported into UtilityManagement.
    • “Processed” is now “Successful”. Successful represents any zip files that have been processed and were successfully imported into UtilityManagement.
    • “Kicked Out” is now “Complete with Errors”. Complete with Errors represents any files that have been processed and were imported into UtilityManagement but some bills were not imported because of an error. See below for more information and updates on how to resolve bill import errors.
  • Batch Detail table is now the Transactions Log tab. We’ve moved this information to its own tab in the Bill CAPture section of UtilityManagement.

Resolving Errors

Today when an upload contains errors, it is “kicked out” during import. None of the bills are imported into UtilityManagement (even the good ones) and you receive a notification about the errors.

After migration, uploads that contain errors will be imported as a pending batch. All of the bills in a pending batch are void until the batch is closed. You will receive a notification about the errors as you did in the Bill CAPture Legacy Portal. You will be able to view those errors in UtilityManagement, make updates to resolve the error, and then reprocess those errors. When errors are not resolved  you will no longer receive reminders about resolving the problems. For errors that you are unable to resolve on your own, continue to submit a support request using the Bill CAPture Support Form.

The benefit of pending batches is you can choose to resolve the errors before closing the batch or close the batch so the good bills are in the system and resolve the errors in a separate batch.

Learn more about resolving bill import errors in UtilityManagement. 

Resolving old kickouts

  • On a customer's migration day we will take all open kickouts from 1/1/2022 through the current day and reprocess them. If there are still errors, these kickouts will appear as pending batches in UtilityManagement.
    • This provides visibility of your BC uploads that had errors and weren't yet resolved at the time of migration.
    • This also sends a notification for each reprocessed kickout that still contained errors.
  • If you need an older upload (before 1/1/2022) to be reprocessed contact support.

What do I need to do?

Before your migration date, log in to UtilityManagement and verify you are subscribed to Bill CAPture notifications. If you do not have a login to UtilityManagement, ask your organization’s administrator to create you an account.

On or after your migration date, log into UtilityManagement to view your Bill CAPture uploads and stats.

If you have more questions, submit a request from the Bill CAPture Support Form.