
Monthly TrendsComparing Year-to-Year

Report-01 is a line chart and data table with monthly data for multiple years. This report is helps to compare values across years. You can add variance filters to spotlight exceptions.

By default, this is a one-page summary report, you can use the filter Group by to have one page per object (for example a building).

Report 1 and 8 look similar at first glance but they work differently.

  • Report-01 compares multiple years for one object (a building's total commodity cost from 2015 to 2020).
  • Report-08 compares multiple objects for one year (several building's total commodity cost per month for 2020).


  • You must include a time period, either data range or accounting period.
  • When you use the filter between with negative numbers, remember to enter the smaller value first.
  • When you are reporting on Cost Avoidance, remember to run Cost Avoidance -> Calculate Savings first.
  • If you use the Chargebacks module, remember to use the appropriate Topmost place or Topmost cost center to prevent double counting use or cost.


Set a variance threshold and have the report automatically highlight abnormal results in the data table. When you use equals, only those specific lines are highlighted, consider using greater than or less than to highlight any rows greater or less than the specified amount.

  • Variance % from 1st year selected - compares each year to the selected year
  • Variance % from prior year - compares each year to the prior year

Set your filters

  1. Choose the type of data you want with Data type.
    • Billing period data uses the raw billing data as received from the utility vendor. Billing period data is better when working with accounting functions or charging departments for their portion of a bill.
    • Calendarized data is more representative of monthly use and cost. For year-over-year COST comparisons, use calendarized data.
    • Normalized is best when comparing USE year-over-year because it removes weather as a variable.
  2. Set the filter First month with the month you want the report to start.
  3. Decide if you want to Include account charges. Account line item charges are one-time or periodic charges. A charge is typically assigned at the account level when it does not have a link or relation to the use or demand on the bill.
  4. Select the Value for the report. There are many options, including use, cost, and Cost Avoidance.
  5. Set the time period for your report with the Date range filter or choose Accounting period (you must use billing period data with Accounting period).

If you stop here, you have a one page summary report for your entire organization or your assigned topmost permissions.

Other filters to consider

  1. Decide what your are reporting on, is it building, meter, cost center, etc.
    • For one building set your topmost place to a specific building.
    • For multiple buildings set the filter Topmost place to an organization.
    • For meters use the filter Meter group.
    • For one or more cost centers choose a Topmost cost center.
  2. Do you want a report for each building or a one-page executive summary report? Use the filter Group by to determine how many pages are in your report.
    • Without the filter Group by the report is a one page executive summary.
    • If you set your topmost to an organization you can group by building and have one chart and data table per building.
  3. Do you want to include all the Commodities, one, or a select few? If you don't add this filter, all the commodities are in your report. Use the Commodity category filter to view more granular commodity data in charts and reports.
  4. Do you want to include only Active accounts? If this filter is not included your report includes both active and inactive.
  5. Include or not include void bills?
  6. Do you use the Chargebacks module and only want to see vendor bills? Or only see chargeback bills? Add the filter Bill is from external vendor, otherwise you see both chargebacks and vendor bills in your report.

Configured Report-01 options

Report-01 is flexible and has many configuration options. To help you be successful several configured reports are available.

Each report has its own preset filters and instructions.