Create Cost Avoidance other savings with spreadsheet

The spreadsheet menu lists setup spreadsheets matching your permissions.

  1. From the Setup Spreadsheets Log, select Download.
  2. Under Create Spreadsheets, select Cost Avoidance Other Savings.
  3. Download the spreadsheet.
  4. The name format is yyyymmdd-CREATE_CostAvoidanceOtherSavings.xlsx.
  5. Add your information and save.
  6. Use Import to upload your spreadsheet.
  7. The Setup Spreadsheets Log reports the results and any errors. You can download the error (kickout) spreadsheet from the hyperlink, fix any errors, and upload the error sheet.


The ability to create objects is determined by user role and any limits placed on the user's topmost place or topmost cost center.

Maximum length for codes and names

The column header lists the maximum length for each attribute. When entering data, a red cell indicates the name or code exceeding the specified length. If you upload the spreadsheet without fixing the cell, the row fails to process and an error spreadsheet is created.


Before adding other savings in Cost Avoidance the meter must exist.

Create Cost Avoidance other savings spreadsheet details

Column Rules
Meter Code Select the meter from the drop-down list.
Savings Category Select the category from the drop-down list.
Other Savings Amount Enter the amount of savings.
Other Savings Description Enter the savings description.

Three types of frequency.

  • One TimeA monthly savings limited to a single month.
    For example, a one time $5,000 refund because of a prior billing error.
  • Continuous—Monthly savings can continue indefinitely.
    For example, a $100 monthly savings because of the consolidation of two meters into one.
  • Recurring—Seasonal savings in effect certain months of the year, repeating every year.
    For example, the shutdown of a facility over the summer saves $3,000 per month in June, July, and August each year.
Savings Date If One Time is selected as frequency, populate this column.
Start Date If Continuous or Recurring frequency, populate this column.
End Date If Continuous or Recurring frequency, populate this column.
Annual Cycle From If Recurring frequency populate this column.
Annual Cycle To If Recurring frequency populate this column.