Vendor and Rates module 

The Vendors and Rates module contains vendors and their associated rates grouped into a familiar tree structure.

Vendors provide utility service to meters and are associated with accounts.

Vendor rate schedules are assigned for each commodity.

Vendor hierarchy

Two types of vendors

  • Utility company
  • Internal (to generate chargeback bills)

Vendor account lines

You can define account line items that you want to always appear on new bills on the vendor Properties page. This helps keep all new bills consistent for reporting. You can also copy account line items from one vendor to another.

  • Vendor account lines cannot be removed from a bill with the edit bill lines dialog.
  • If no value is entered the vendor account line is not saved.
  • Vendor account lines can only be modified from the vendor Properties page.

Copy account lines to other vendors

You can save time and ensure consistency by copying vendor account lines from one vendor to another. 

When you copy account lines to another vendor any existing account lines are replaced.


Powerviews are the charts and graphs you see throughout UtilityManagement.

  • For most charts you can download an image and the data that makes up the chart.
  • It's easy to see the applied filters and know what data is included in the chart.
  • A popover description next to the tile explains the chart.
  • Date ranges in the footer make it easy to know what data is included in the chart.

Vendors and rates module menu



Custom Fields for Vendors

Edit and create custom fields for vendors.
Custom Fields for Rate Schedules Edit and create custom fields for rate schedules.


This section determines how your vendors and rates are displayed.

List by Vendor

vendors and rate tree

List by Commodity

vendors and rates tree

Control your tree view by choosing name, code, or both.

Display Name

vendor and rates tree

Display Code

vendors and rates tree

Display Name [Code]

 vendors and rates tree

Display Code [Name]

  vendors and rates tree

Delete a vendor

You can only delete a vendor in the List by Vendor view with the Actions menu.

Automatic group - Actions menu

Create an automatic group while in the Vendors and Rates module.

  1. Select a commodity or rate, use the Actions menu to automatically create a group.
    Auto Create Button
  2. Enter a name and select a category for the group.
    create meter group form
  3. Save and view your new group. Group names must be unique per category.
    building group

Manage vendors


A report of user roles and their permissions is available for download on the Users and Roles page.

Custom user roles are created by administrators.