Account overview
Accounts are the foundation of the Accounts module. You can group accounts into folders called cost centers. This helps you to create reports based on your organization's accounting structure.
How accounts work
- They receive bills for one or more meters.
- Are associated with a single vendor.
- Can be either a vendor account or an internal chargebacks account.
Deregulated accounts
A typical deregulated scenario links two accounts to one meter.
You can download configured reports directly within the Accounts module.
The filters used to create the report are listed on the last report page and are automatically set for you. You can modify these filters when you use Configure Advanced Options.
Manage accounts
You can create and manage accounts in several places:
- Create with the plus sign (Create dialog) or with a create spreadsheet.
- Edit with the Actions menu or an update spreadsheet.
- Link and create from a meter's Properties tab.
Manual bill entry messages
You can displays messages during manual bill entry and add notes to bills.
- Account memo. Displayed for any linked meters on the account. Enter it when you edit an account.
- Bill note. You can add a note to any bill during manual bill entry or in the bill import file.
- Account alert. If the date range of the bill is during the effective period of the alert, this message appears. Enter it on the Properties page of the account.
- Bill entry note. Created at the meter level and displays during manual bill entry. Enter on the Properties page of the meter.
A report of user roles and their permissions is available for download on the Users and Roles page.
Custom user roles are created by administrators.