August 2024

*published September 5, 2024. Edited December 5, 2024.

New report for Bill Import Errors

Report-16 provides a list of bill import errors and the bill details for each error to help you resolve bill import errors (kickout).

Report subscription

You can use the subscription feature to have this report sent to you only when there are import errors.

Report distribution

With report distribution you can distribute the report to specific user groups.

Easier to search for accounts

It's easier to search and find an account number because we've loosened the search parameters in UtilityManagement.

This update can also be helpful when the account number on your bill isn't entered correctly into UtilityManagement.

For example, your bill may have dashes or spaces in the account number but the account was created without the dashes or spaces in UtilityManagement.

Account number on bill Account number in UM Search term
123-456 123456 (missing the dash) When you search for 123-456 you will get a match, previously there would not have been a match
567 123 567123 (missing the space) When you search for 567 123 you will get a match, previously there would not be a match.

Split account charges

*A Bill CAPture subscription is no longer required to use the Split Account Charges feature. December 2024

You can now configure how to split account level charges when you import bills. It is helpful to review your cost category configuration before configuring your split account charges.

In the Bills module menu, select Split Account Charges.

Create distribution rules 

You can create vendor rules and if you need more granular rules you can also create account level rules that override the vendor rule.

These settings are used for future bill imports. Historical bills are not updated.

Tags help you see where rules are applied

When an vendor or account has a split account charge configured, a tag shows the status.

Vendor tag example

Account tag example