UtilityManagement overview

UtilityManagement is a powerful energy management software application for managing utility bill data.

PDF to help you get started.

Information in UtilityManagement

  • Buildings
  • Meters
  • Accounts
  • Utility bills
  • Interval data
  • Vendors and rate schedules
  • Users

Two views of your data

  • The buildings and meters hierarchy (facilities view)
  • The accounts hierarchy (accounting view)

Buildings and meters

The buildings and meters hierarchy contains organizations, buildings, and meters grouped into a familiar tree structure. The buildings and meters tree is often used by the Building Operations or Energy Management staff and represents the physical layout of your buildings and meters.


The accounts hierarchy contains accounts and cost centers grouped into a familiar tree structure. The Accounts module is most often used by Finance or Accounting staff to review allocated costs.

The advantages of separating the use tracking (Buildings and Meters hierarchy) from the financial tracking (Accounts hierarchy):

  • Use assigned to physical locations doesn't change when financial grouping changes.
  • Meters can stay constant even if the vendor and supplier changes over time.

Enter data 

bill workflow

Verify data

Create reports

UtilityManagement explained visually

Simple to complex workflow diagram